Friday, November 4, 2016

Miracle Eagle Eye V 2.39 Setup Download

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Ver 2.39 Released 4th November.

What Inside in Small Pack.

1.MTK Improve EMMC Write and Format.
2.MTK Improve Boot (Add New Flash ID Support).
3.SPD SC7731 EMMC (NEW) Improve Boot and Add New Mobile Support.
4.SPD SC7715/30 Android Add HWINFO Read & Write.
5.SPD SC7715/30 Android Add BT Addr Repair.
6.SPD SC7715/30 Android Add Repair IMEI in BOOT MODE.
7.SPD SC7715/30 Improve SP Unlock.
8.SPD SC8830 EMMC Improve Boot Add New mobile support
9.SPD Improve Nand Flash format Add FRP Reset.
10.Android Add Backup/Restore SMS.
11.Android Improve Backup/Restore Contacts.
12.Android Xiaomi Improve Flash Pack.
13.Fix Android Some Bugs.

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